Monday, January 6, 2014


I was thinking about Jack. It seems so strange that this is a new year that he has no part of. I wonder what he would think about how I am doing? I'm in more contact with Tim's family, doing more at the church, doing more crafty stuff. The things I'm doing that he might not like is reading too many trashy novels on my Kindle, shopping too much online, and not eating right. I'm not in very good touch with my emotions takes a lot to make me cry, even crying over him. Yes, I cried a lot on Christmas Eve at church, and things will come up that make me remember, and I cry for a couple of minutes. But that is all.

I'm starting a 9 week Spousal Loss group this month and I'm hoping it will help me deal better and get in touch with my feelings. I'll keep track of my progress here.

In the mean time, here is picture of Jack at the Wall in 2011.

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